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How to Make Pasties (Part 2)

If you haven't seen How to Make Pasties (Part 1) head on over to get started on your pastie making project.

If you're continuing the creative journey, read on!

Adding the Edging

I chose a chorded style ribbon to use on the edge, but this can be done with anything that tickles your fancy. As long as it can fold in half and can hide your stitches relatively well, the end result should look clean.

1. Attach the end of the edging with several stitches, as you don't want it fraying or moving.

2. Continue to sew around the pastie.

3. Secure the edging by folding it under, then adding several stitches to hold it in place. Take extra care here- this is the one weak point in the finished pastie.

Making the Bow (Optional)

At this point you can add whatever decoration you wish. Tassels, bells, maybe some little flowers? Here I'm going to show you how to sew your own bow.

1. Cut a length of your ribbon to make the body of the bow. This should be a little less than three times the length you want the bow to be (I was a little overzealous with my 9 inches, it could have been a tad bit shorter).

2. Fold the ribbon, edges toward the center and overlapping.

3. Pinch the center of the ribbon to make the bow shape. Put several stitches through the center to hold it in place

4. Cut a small piece of the ribbon for the center of the bow.

5. Fold into thirds.

6. Attach center piece with stitches. You will want to start with it facing the back, with enough material for one full wrap around the center.

7. Wrap the center piece around and secure it in the back of the bow with several stitches.

8. To attach the bow to the pastie, simply sew it in place.

You're all done!

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