How to Make Pasties (Part 1)

When I was a burlesque dancer, I made myself dozens of pasties- tassels, rhinstones, you name it. They were fun to wear and immensely practical, as they allow you to skirt nudity laws when out in public.
But it's their aesthetic I can't get enough of. They take nudity and turn it into nakedness, as though the extra material draws more attention to what isn't there. "Master," they say, "Here, these are for you. I gift wrapped them."
What isn't made more special by putting a bow on it?
This is the method I have found is best for making beautiful, durable pasties. It'll take some time, and the devil is in the details. But I think both you and your dom will agree, they are a lovely surprise to have around for a special occasion.
Here's what you'll need...

Non stretch fabric in desired color (it won't take much)
Chording for the edges
Buckram- the stiffer the better
Ribbon for the bows (optional)
Thread in corresponding colors to your ribbon, chording and fabric
Measuring tape
Getting Started

1. Take your buckram and trace two circles. You will want these to be slightly larger than the diameter of your nipple. I went for just over two inches, which seems to be a good size to start with.
2. Trace the radius as a straight line to the center. For best results, go just slightly past that center point- it shouldn't look much different, but it will allow the material to overlap best. Cut along that line.
3. Use the circles you've made as a rough guide to cut out four larger circles of your fabric.

4. Overlap the edges. This will create depth and make it, well, nipple shaped.
5. Sew into place.
Applying the Fabric

1. Take one of your fabric circles and fold it over the edge of the buckram. Sew into place.
2. Move along the edge of the buckram, folding the fabric in and holding it in place as you go. As you sew, watch to make sure the edges look clean, not puckered, and that the fabric is laying flat along the exterior.

3. Take another of the fabric circles and place it on the interior of the pastie. Press it into the center and pin it in place- this will keep the back from being too flat to adhere to your nipple.
4. Sew along the edge. When you are finished, cut away the excess. (Don't worry, we won't leave the raw edge.)
You're almost done!
To finish your pasties, continue to How to Make Pasties (Part 2)
Like the pasties in the display picture? Head on over to our facebook page for a chance to win them in this month's giveaway!