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Sunstone (Graphic Novel Review)

I stumbled across this gem during one of my *cough cough* single phases. When you can't get your kinky rocks off with a partner, sometimes a little porn is the next best thing, right? (Just to clarify: I am female. I look at/ watch porn. Sue me.)

So anyway, Sunstone. It's a graphic novel created by Stjepan Šejić and Linda Lukšić Šejić chronicling the budding relationship of two BDSM obsessed ladies. It starts with Lisa- an aspiring author and submissive, attempting to sit down and write out her love story with Ally, a computer wiz with a dominant side. Both characters are sweet, dorky and lovable outside the bedroom. Inside the bedroom they are smoking hot.

The story is very well thought out, starting with their first date, and moving through the struggles of their evolving relationship. It's so darn relatable. The ensemble cast of friends are all people I'd want to grab a beer with, and the tensions and struggles they face are grounded in universal truths. How do I communicate that I have feelings for this person? Are we more than just friends? How can I afford all of the fetish gear that I want to buy?

But the best thing about Sunstone is it's treatment of BDSM. It treads a delicate line that kinksters have to walk- is this my lifestyle? Is this just a hobby? Can there be a medium between those two extremes? Characters ask and answer important questions about the nature of BDSM play. For the most part, discussing control, power, safety and boundaries, I think it does an amazing job. When friends of mine have questions about S&M, I've started referring them to Sunstone, as I think it offers a well rounded view. If nothing else, read it for the sex scenes. You won't be disappointed.

And yes, for those who want to ask, this is a much better alternative to Fifty Shades.

Sunstone can be found at most comic shops. There's also tons of extra content at the authors deviant art page (


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